by Flavia Mastrella, Antonio Rezza
with Antonio Rezza
and Ivan Bellavista, Manolo Muoio, Chiara Perrini, Enzo di Norscia
habitat: Flavia Mastrella
(never) written by Antonio Rezza
assistant in the creation: Massimo Camilli
lighting design: Mattia Vigo
organization: Stefania Saltarelli
stagehand: Andrea Zanarini
sartoria: Sara Baldazzi
metalli: CISALL
Fondazione TPE
TSI La Fabbrica dell’Attore Teatro Vascello
press office: Chiara Crupi
web communication: Silvia Vecchini
Too often he gives in to past absurdities and has to come to terms with past traumas. Thus the inferior being seeks comfort in civic engagement. And the death of others restores his amour propre. With all the balls, oriental parties, pre-meditated mourning, he is relieved of solidarity – a corporate practice that generates
profit. Even the bespectacled culture bends over. He who reads books is forced to keep quiet by he who writes; he who reads buys his silence, he who buys a book foments and overturns the code of silence. But with birth mummy the match is lost: flesh of her flesh but the end of yours.
Antonio Rezza
Goodbye third dimension
The cliché explodes, the Living are unaware that they are imprisoned by a monitor – the old and the young, drained by the desire to emerge, reinventing themselves, they retrieve the cruelty of childhood and the malice of adulthood.
The ‘Anelante’ (The Craver) lives confined within walls, shut inside an enclosure, never sticking his head out, claiming to know the world so as not to sense the emptiness that fills his life. Willing to do anything to sustain the ever-present hierarchy, he uses the virtual systems that he’s mastered.
Flavia Mastrella